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Blog 18 - Squibs

We have all survived Halloween and Fireworks night. I hope my blog will not be too much of a damp squib following our official national lockdown again after Bonfire Night. I am sure Boris was a little wary of going into Westminster on November 5th after so much criticism of his handling of our COVID crisis lest there was a modern day Guy Fawkes lurking in a cellar threatening to blow up the venerable place. As I go to post this blog, the American Presidency election results drag on, but if the forecasts are reliable and there is a change of resident in the White House, he too would be well advised to have the place well checked for large supplies of gunpowder!

My last two blogs have taken us far afield. I felt this week it was time to stay on native soil so which scarf to reflect the moment? I had two reasons for choosing this silk number, one general and the other very personal. The quality of the silk is excellent, the hems well sewn and the colour palette jolly. The designer is John Stefanidis. Although we are staying firmly at home this week, the surname has a foreign ring to it. Sure enough, I find the designer was born in Alexandria, to Greek parents, educated in Egypt and then studied at Oxford, worked in Italy, has had a home in a Greek island for many years as well as London, and is indeed a very famous interior designer with his work in the Bank of England, Claridges and the homes of the rich and famous. I chose to wear his scarf this week because the design reminds me of fireworks, Catherine wheels and squibs. It seems fitting for this particular week.  This may not have been in the mind of the designer. I tried writing to his company in London for information about the design, but to date I have not had a reply. I listened to an old recording of the designer being interviewed by Kirsty Young on Desert Island Discs in 2008 so I know his taste in music but not his inspiration for my scarf. 

So, for me, it’s squibs!

I am therefore imagining fireworks going off and remember last November’s bonfire in local St.Margaret’s with an effigy of poor old Boris dealing with Brexit rather than COVID going up in flames. It was a jolly evening spent with my sister and family including cousins visiting from Scotland. The pyrotechnics were well managed, the bonfire enormous and the mulled wine went down a treat! We discussed a future big birthday party in Scotland for 2020, little knowing what lay ahead. It brings it home to me now, how important it is to cherish each moment.

Which leads me to the personal reason I have for choosing this scarf. I have never shared this with anyone, not even my children. I met my husband when I was a teenager and he had a private nickname for me. Yes, it was SQUIBS and he used to wink as he said it. It was the anniversary of his death on the 4th November many years ago. I choose to remember his life full of fireworks and in his memory I must not allow my squibs be dampened by a pesky virus!

Busy Bee, Scarf Face!

Series 2, Blog 18.

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Emily Lauchlan
Emily Lauchlan
Nov 08, 2020

This has brought a smile to my face this evening. We all miss him dearly. Lots of love 💕 xx


Christine Souter
Nov 08, 2020

No matter what "oor Nicola" says, the Scottish border will be open for all my much loved cousins in August next year for an even bigger party than this year's postponed one!


Sylvia Beckerman
Sylvia Beckerman
Nov 08, 2020

Fireworks, a wink and Squibs and love all around.🎆


Nov 08, 2020

Ooh la la!

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