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Blog 24 - Clan Tartan

The sunny weather has gone and I want the comfort of a warmer scarf. I adore my silk ones, but today I am wearing a tartan one. Not only do I have the scarf but a matching turban-headband. The tartan is that of my own clan. We have two tartans, the Red Robertson and the Ancient or Hunting Robertson. This is the latter. I suppose one’s quarry has less chance of escape if the colours merge into the landscape. The only thing I might be hunting down today, were I to escape lockdown, would be some elusive product on the grocery shelf like yeast or self raising flour!

My last visit to Scotland was in January 2018 to celebrate Burns Night in Edinburgh.

Good old Scottish nostalgia for three days, haggis, whisky, a get together of four Robertson cousins, and tartan, tartan in every shop along Princes Street. I searched for a nice quality cashmere scarf in my Hunting Tartan without luck, but at least we girls found the Robertsons 37 Bar. I even took along my beloved, black patent leather boots which belonged to my long departed mother. I did say I was nostalgic! Mind you I don’t know what she would say about her two daughters hanging about in bars in what was reputedly the red light district in bygone days of upright Auld Reekie!

Upon my return to England, I was delighted to receive a surprise gift of a length of my tartan from one of the cousins. She had sourced a closing down sale in Forfar and secured this remnant, just enough for me to sew two scarves, lined with black velvet and my snazzy headband. I hope she will wear her matching scarf on reading this blog today.

The clan motto is VIRTUTIS GLORIA MERCES. Glory is the Reward of Valour. I wonder how that translates in today’s world? Never mind the glory bit, let’s hope there’s going to be the biggest celebration for all the brave people sticking it out during lock down, the valiant NHS workers and everyone doing their bit to keep the country going.

Scotland was very cold for my visit. I think I will travel to somewhere really hot tomorrow. I wonder where it will be?

Busy Bee, Scarf Face!

Blog 24.

254 views4 comments


Apr 19, 2020

Looking great girls!! 👍🏼💕 x


Irene Campbell
Irene Campbell
Apr 19, 2020

Haggis, neeps, tatties, a wee dram or two, music, dancing.....Nothing quite like a fun packed Burns Supper evening.

Great photo. Love story and the black patent leather boots.


Irene Campbell
Irene Campbell
Apr 19, 2020

Haggis, neeps, tatties, a wee dram or two, music, dancing.....Nothing quite like a fun packed Burns Supper evening.

Great photo. Love story and the black patent leather boots.


Irene Campbell
Irene Campbell
Apr 19, 2020

Haggis, neeps, tatties, a wee dram or two, music, dancing.....Nothing quite like a fun packed Burns Supper evening.

Great photo. Love story and the black patent leather boots.

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