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Blog 36 - Anagram

I bought this scarf because I liked the gentle colours, the abstract design and the feel of the silk satin. Of course, the edges are hand rolled. I wanted to remember two special people today and this scarf does that.

If you look very closely, you will see the design incorporates five letters of the puzzlers out there, pause and work out how many words you can make from these letters before you read on. There are five. I could see only two, but with some help there are three less obvious.

Of the two people I want to remember is Captain Tom celebrating his 100th birthday. I feared my satin scarf would be marked as a couple of tears ran down my cheeks when that Spitfire and Hurricane went over. What an achievement to raise over thirty million pounds with his heroic walking effort to raise funds for the NHS, and more than that to lift the spirits of a nation and, further afield, of the world.

The other person I want to remember is Lynn Faulds-Woods who was clapping for the NHS only last week at this time. The following day she was dead having suffered a major stroke. She was one of the most dynamic women I have ever met and it was my privilege to know her. She saved the lives of so many with her campaigning for safety on TV’s Watchdog, creating a charity to fight bowel cancer, having beaten the disease herself, and forever speaking up for those without a voice. I will clap for her as well tonight.

The letters on my scarf spell the word  EAGER, and this describes these two people, wanting to make this world a better place. The other important word from my scarf is AGREE and this seemed to echo Captain Tom’s words when he watched the old planes fly past ‘in peace, not anger’. His final message was TOMORROW WILL BE A GOOD DAY.

Now, anagram puzzlers, the other words are ragee, eagre and geare. If you want to push it, an archaic word aeger was sometimes used colloquially for a sickie note!!! I hope the weather cheers up, otherwise I will be writing one myself to excuse my presence outside for the clap. I’ll be standing inside my hallway clapping and ringing my Tibetan bell. Can’t let rain ruin my silk scarf!

Busy Bee, Scarf Face!

Blog 36.

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1 Comment

Susan PRAG
May 01, 2020

What a heart felt wonderful tribute to two remarkable people, and what a beautiful calm scarf, I admit I found it difficult to find all the letters could not find the “R”, but will keep trying the puzzle of the day. Thanks Hazell for inspiring us all.

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