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Blog 58 - Wishing

I am going to break out of isolation today and venture forth for a walk. Primarily, I need the exercise, but I am going to drop a few of these orange poppy seeds I mentioned yesterday on some unsuspecting ground. It will be my secret.

On Thursday we clapped for the NHS workers and all the brave support people who take away my rubbish, deliver my mail and keep the transport running. I made little cakes and popped a birthday candle on each for our warm friendly small community, all socially isolating, and asked everyone to make a wish. A secret wish. My blog had been rather serious about the death of a journalist in Malta; I wanted everyone to feel hopeful so at the end of my blog I popped in the idea of a birthday every day. 

Having written it, I had an unexpected gift myself of an email from a journalist in Los Angeles who seemed to like my uncharted fight against isolation from Covid 19. I dedicate my next photo to her. Long before I was known as Busy Bee, when I had only one grandchild, I was Granny America, and that was hard at times living so far away from family, rather like today, separated not by oceans but by maybe only a street.

So, here we have a happy picture of two fairies with our gossamer gowns, (a cut up negligee) and magic wands (barbecue skewers and tinfoil stars). I wonder what I was wishing for then, sitting in our secret place in the wardrobe? I guess it was exactly the same as I wish now, but then that’s my secret too. (I don’t suppose that little grandchild wished, as an adult, to be self educating a seven year old, entertaining another under two and holding down a job!)

So which scarf can I choose today to represent a wish. I have selected  my favourite scarf. I have not owned it very long. It is the finest chiffon silk, in pink, turquoise and if you look very closely a tiny bit of orange. That small hand rolled edge in orange makes it for me. I like the little surprises in life. For me, the scarf says the sky is rosy pink with parachutes of maybe dandelion seeds floating across it, the raindrops are turquoise which turn to orange by the time they reach the blue water at the ends of my scarf and finally that thin orange line, the unexpected.

I suppose I could have an extra wish today and hope the rain holds off if I decide to go for my first walk and don’t get caught for littering, dropping my poppy seeds!

Busy Bee, Scarf Face!

Blog 58.

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1 comentário

24 de mai. de 2020

Hazel !!! I have just logged on to your amazing Blog .. I have yet to catch up but really love all your scarves and stories 🌞.. I also love hand sewn rolled edges and have had hundreds of scarves over the years mostly made into dresses , skirts, tops and silk purses .. sending lots of love ... Bev 💖

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