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Blog 79 - Cruising

You will all know I am rather restricted in my life style at present due to my injured foot. I have therefore re-invented my ground floor dining room. Any visitor might see it as a temporary bedroom with very unlike-busybee accoutrements of Zimmer frame, grab stick, perching stool… say nothing of reduced bathroom facilities. For me it is the most deluxe stateroom on my cruise ship. For a short time I hope the magic carpet will not grumble but I am leaving it rolled up in the garage and I am taking a cruise.

I have therefore chosen a scarf to tie around my head rather than my neck, as it may be blowy on the water. My cabin is large and it has a balcony. I don’t want anything too bright or flashy. It must not clash with the gentle scene before me. Yes, this soft satin silk square echoes the azure grey-blue of the water with a Paisley design border and a surprising spotted centre. There are moisture spots on my cabin window from the early morning mist. My scarf is fine quality with excellent hand rolled hems. The following photo taken from my bed shows the scene before me. You can well imagine this is a very grand cabin on the top deck commanding a panoramic view of my Far East cruising. It is early Spring and the cherry blossom is blooming. I can hear temple bells and small fishing boats are already on the water. My cruise ship is not moving. It may have something to do with this pandemic and I am confined to this living space. I don’t have Covid but so many around me are less fortunate.

I open my eyes and see in reality the scene before me is painted on six panels hanging before me in my dining room/makeshift bedroom. Many years ago my husband was given a gift of a long tube containing six hand painted rolls of wallpaper. They seemed too precious to paste on a wall when we were always on the move. When we finally settled in Richmond, we had them mounted on panels. The framer decided to apply a protective varnish which deepened the delicate watercolour tones but safeguarded against sticky grandchildren’s fingers…and now great grandchildren’s! We kept the small round end of the cardboard tube and had it framed. It is not varnished and is a tiny painted treasure. It is by my bed and on the Edwardian card table stands a Tibetan temple bell. There are no priests to call to prayer but in an emergency I summon help from a caring daughter on an upper floor.

I wonder if I ring it now, I can summon my personal steward to bring me an early cup of tea? I do hope the pandemic peaks and my marooned ship can move on its journey.

The drops of moisture have evaporated on the window panes to the right of my panoramic view of mountains, still waters, temple buildings, fishing junks and cherry blossom. I see my own small courtyard garden. It is early January and already I have several pale pink camellias in bloom. I have had great pleasure watching the tits, robins, wrens, and fat wood pigeons feeding. Alas, this pleasure must stop. Outside my window stands a bucket collecting rainwater. I had another visitor this week. Mr. Ratty was boldly having a drink from the bucket, then perched on its rim, put his little front feet on the window and peered in.

Can’t have this on the best cabin on the cruise ship! Call the Captain! I hope it will not be too long before I am dancing again and sitting at his table.

In the meantime, I will ask my daughter to pick a couple of these camellias and bring the forthcoming Spring to my bedside table. It’s also a bit silly wearing this pretty scarf on my head. Can’t say it is too breezy indoors! I will tie it around my neck in an Ascot knot and wear my long dangly pearl earrings.

Busy Bee, Scarf Face!

Series 2, Blog 79.

201 views5 comments


Julia Chandler
Julia Chandler
Jan 13, 2022

Hi Hazell. I so love the way that you always see the positive in every situation. You’re an inspiration. Hope you’re mobile again soon. Love to the girls too. Julia x


Jan 12, 2022

Hi, Hazel, I hope you have a speedy recovery. I’m a small business owner that creates silk scarves in collaboration with different artists.

I am touched by your stories and admire the way you use scarves for inspiration for storytelling and sharing them with us.

I would love to gift you one of my scarves, if you could share your contact at info@ galleria. si


Ann Mullen
Ann Mullen
Jan 09, 2022

How lovely you write Hazel! Hope you can get out and about soon and when safe to do so. I enjoy reading your magic adventures! I live in Ireland, born in USA, Chicago Ill, but recently moved to Ireland with my husband, when the pandemic started, as also Irish passport holders. Your spirt of positiveness is wonderful in these dreary times.


Jan 09, 2022

I hope you are up and about soon, Hazell!


Jan 09, 2022

Thank you for the cruise, Hazell. Your powers are strong enough to spirit us away--even for a few minutes--from the Island of Omicron. Curious as to whether there was a story about the scarf. Or the earrings? Oh my, those earrings are gorgeous.

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