Yes, it’s an odd title this week. It has been a very odd week.
I wrote last week’s Poppies blog thinking positively of Pussy Galore, little knowing some eight hours later I thought I was dying. Blood pressure went sky high to seriously dangerous levels, 200 systolic. A kind neighbour, retired German doctor, sat with me for several hours until family reached me. I was scared. My first debt of gratitude to someone from afar. I finally managed to see one of my own general practitioners who had dealt with another similar episode with me three weeks before. Now comes my next debt of gratitude to this understanding Indian lady doctor who immediately sent me to the hospital Emergency Room. Five hours later and after a thorough examination and tests, I was discharged home under the care of my general practice. No heart attack or another stroke. Low sodium levels requiring a change in BP medication. Now comes the very odd happening.
It had been very hot in A&E so my daughter and I sat on a bench outside the hospital to await transport home. From nowhere an Indian man approached me with hands placed together in his traditional greeting or praying style….. Rather taken aback, I returned the gesture. He then dropped to the ground, head bowed and touched my right foot and twice on my leg, with reverence. He then placed his hands together once more and said something to my daughter about her grandmother! It had been going well until then ……but her grandmother!!! Ok, I was looking pretty washed out I suppose, nothing like Pussy Galore of last week. I wasn’t even wearing a silk scarf! He then shuffled off. I felt quite touched by all this, but my daughter was cautious about Covid and immediately sprayed some anti viral stuff on my blessed trouser leg. Was it a coincidence he chose my fractured foot? There was no outward evidence I had a problem there.
I have therefore chosen an Indian scarf today because a miracle has happened. My foot feels mended, my blood pressure dropped to normal before I even started new medication. Out of the blue, another retired doctor friend rang me later this week. I believe his family originated in Singapore. I related my story. He reassured me about my new medication and the blessing. My new meds were prescribed by my other lady GP, Chinese, born in Scotland, as was my Indian GP. All this is leading to my giving thanks to those from afar who have helped me this week.
My long floral Indian scarf is silk chiffon, the ends decorated with tiny glass beads. The colours are those of an Eastern spice market, ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, chilli, and cumin. I have visited Sri Lanka several times, Pakistan and the Seychelles but only touched down in India on long distance flights from the Far East. There were visits to Bali with odd blessings from Hindus and Buddhists. (This deity from Bali hangs in my Scented Pharmacy bedroom, formerly my massage room with all my essentiaI oils. My daughter brought this picture back years ago.) I accept blessings from all and count them daily!

Thinking of the Far East and in particular Beijing, my final thought today is of the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics and the speech of Thomas Bach, the German IOC President. He said GIVE PEACE A CHANCE. I like the Olympic message ONE WORLD, ONE FAMILY. My own health this week has been cared for by German, Indian and Chinese doctors, NHS staff from around the world and of course my own loving family. My gratitude to all.
Now for the Six Nations Rugby. A few weeks ago I was treated by a handsome English physiotherapist who used to work with the Harlequins Rugby Club. Another unexpected blessing! Despite this and an English husband, I will be supporting Scotland in this competition. The Saltire is flying in my garden.

Busy Bee, Scarf Face!
Series 2, Blog. 83.
A lovely story with added miracle and so glad your health is improving.
We too are supporting Scotland and love The Saltire flying. It was very tense on Saturday.
Looking forward to next weeks Blog.XX
This loyal reader is glad you have climbed up the ladder again!
Thanks Jane. I am one of the fortunate. Life is such a game of snakes and ladders. Hope all is well with you and all my loyal readers.
How wonderful to come through a medical emergency not only healed but with a beautiful story to tell. The world's hands were upon you. The kind intervention of strangers. Lovely.